So after running the website for about a year now, I’ve come to discover that putting out written content on a constant basis is much more difficult than I imagined. I want to try my best not to rush out work or put out pieces just for the sake of always having something new up. But I also understand that to be relevant and to build a readership, people expect to find new content on a daily basis. I can’t manage that on my own, but what I can try to do is develop content outside of the written space that might be faster and more convenient to create and consume.

I have several ideas and am always generating new ideas around what could be on the website and what might be interesting or unique. I also realize that mediums such as videos and podcasts might be better for a wider audience. Certainly long form essays have their place and they will always be a part of the website. But I’ve learned through my experience here and through my recent experience in a business accelerator that ultimately what I want to do is not as important as what people want to consume.

With that said I am going to post ideas I have for written content along with podcast and video content and ask you the reader if that is something you would be interested in. I would also say that many of these ideas will require people with a passion for a certain topic to help contribute in different forms or fashions. Please let me know if you would be willing to help with a given idea or if you know someone who might be interested please pass the article along. If we can develop enough interest and if we can find the right people to make it happen, than I will do my best to push those ideas into development.

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