So this is an idea for a podcast that I would like to get started at some point. The idea is that there are a lot of podcasts bringing you news about the market and big headlines that are moving stock prices. There is also The Investors Podcast which brings commentary on important books for investors and then they occasionally do episodes where the commentators present stock picks or they interview investors and industry professionals.

I would like to do a podcast that takes a deep dive into one company or stock every week or every other week (perhaps every month or quarter to start). Its not necessarily a stock pitch. The stock doesn’t need to be one that we are recommending to buy nor is the podcast necessarily about recommendations. The podcast would be about looking into a company’s history, business model and competitive industry to understand the price of the stock today and whether the stock might be worth more or less. I’m also thinking about a valuation component where we try to dig in to the financials as well. I think the idea would still need to be further refined to make sure the podcast would be sufficiently differentiated and niche but I think it would be interesting to try but also very work and time intensive if it were to be done well.

To do this I think I would need at least one other person well versed in investment research and investing who would be willing to help do the research, set the agenda for the podcast and who would be willing to jump on for a half an hour on a regular basis to discuss the stock we have for that episode.

If you would be interested in listening to such a podcast please check the box below. If you would also be interested in participating in the podcast please leave your name and email address. We can further discuss ideas and if we get enough people interested then we can try to make it happen. I’ve also left a general comment box in case you would like to offer some ideas related to this or some constructive criticism.

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